Група 36

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Тема уроку: «Політична система в Британії»
1. Ex.1 р. 243 (письмово)
2. Ex.4 р. 245 (письмово)


Тема уроку: «Декларація про державний суверенітет України»
1. Ex.1, р. 246 (усно)
2. Ex.2, р. 246 (письмово)

3. Ex.3-4, р. 247

Тема уроку: «Політична система в США»

1. Прочитати і виконати завдання після тексту
2. Знайти і записати цікаві факти (5-7) про політичну систему США


Тема уроку: «Міжнародні організації: ЄС»
1. Ex.2 а,b, р. 248 (заповнити таблицю)
2. Ex.4, р. 249 (усно)


Тема уроку: «Конституція - основний закон країни»

1. Ex.5, р. 250 (усно)
2. Ex.2, р. 251 (усно)
3. Ex.3, р. 252 (письмово)


Тема уроку: «Міжнародні організації ООН: UNESCO, UNISEF»

1. Ex.3, р. 252 (письмово)
2. Ex.4, р. 256 (письмово)


Тема уроку: «Міжнародні організації ООН: UNESCO, UNISEF»

1. Підготувати презентацію про міжнародні організації OOH 

Тема уроку: « Вибори на Україні»

1. Ex.1, р. 263 (усно)
2. Ex.6, р. 266 (письмово)
3. Ex.4, р. 256 (письмово)


Тема уроку: «Громадянство України. Статті. Класифікація та структура»

1. Текст «Rights and duties of the Ukrainian citizens» читати, переказувати, дати відповіді на запитання (усно)

According to the Constitution itself every person has the right to the free development of his or her personality, and has obligations before society where free and full development of the personality is assured.
The Constitution guarantee the rights to life, non-interference in private and family life, personal inviolability and the inviolability of dwelling, free choice of residence, work, rest, education, social security, housing, health protection, medical care and medical insurance, a safe and healthy environment. There are no privileges or restrictions based upon face, colour of skin, political and other beliefs, gender, ethnic and social origin, property, ownership, position, place of residence, language, religion.
Citizens have equal Constitutional rights and freedoms and are equal before law. Citizens of Ukraine perform military services in compliance with the law.
Defense to the Motherland of the independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine, and respect for the state symbols are the duties of citizens. Every person must pay taxes in the order and amount determined by law. No person may damage the environment, cultural heritage.

1. Citizens have equal rights and freedoms, don’t they?
2. What are the duties of citizens?
3. What do citizens of Ukraine perform?
4. What does our Constitution guarantee?
5. Are there any restrictions in rights based upon colour of skin?

obligation — зобов"язання
to guarantee — гарантувати
inviolability — недоторканість
insurance — страхування
restriction — обмеження
in compliance with — згідно звідповідно до
non-interference — невтручання
defence — захист
integrity — цілісність
heritage — спадщина

tax — податок


Тема уроку: Контроль вивченого лексико-граматичного матеріалу

Тема уроку: Контроль навичок аудіювання

1. What show did the speaker attempt to take part in?
(Посилання на відео: )
A  Wheel of Fortune
B  Access Hollywood
C  Who wants to be a Millionaire?

2. What is Ben going to do in the park?
(Посилання на відео: )
A  to read a book
B  to have a picnic
C  to play baseball

II. Listen to the text . Choose T if the statement is true according to the text, F if it is false.
(Посилання на відео: )
1. The American cat café model is different from the Asian one.
2. Visitors must bring your own toys if they want to play with the cats.
3. Miranda has raised enough money to start her business.
4. The cats are free to move and play all around the café.
5. Miranda hopes to find people to cooperate with.

III. Listen to the text. Choose the correct answer (A,B or C).

(Посилання на відео: )
1. Cassie De Pecol ______________.
A  started on her first travel when she was in high school
B  spent two months hitchhiking about Latin America
C  faced discomforts during her first travel because of lack of money
2. How did De Pecol cover her travelling expenses during the second expedition?
A  She had saved up for two years
B  She received some financial aid
C  She earned money along the way
3. Why did cassie accept the Cuban taxi driver’s invitation?
A  She couldn’t find a hotel room
B  She couldn’t use her credit card
C  She couldn’t reject his hospitality
4. What trouble did Cassie De Pecol have while travelling?
A  She was arrested
B She was robbed
C She was injured
5. What is Cassie going to do next?
A  to start her own travel blog
B  to set a new record in travel
C  to make a documentary

Тема уроку: Контроль навичок читання

The gift

            Oscola McCarty spent more than 75 years washing and ironing other people's clothes. Her lined hands were the evidence of hard work. So, it was a surprise, when Miss McCarty decided to give her entire life savings - $150,000 – to the University of Southern Mississippi. Miss McCarty's gift amazed even those who thought they knew her well.
            The customers who have brought their laundry and ironing to her home for more than 75 years included three generations of some families. Initially she said she charged $1.50 to$2 a bundle but with inflation the price rose.
            "When I started making $10 a bundle, I began to save money," recollected Miss McCarty, who was born on March 7 1908. "I put it in savings. I never would take any of it out. It just accumulated."
            As her savings increased over years, McCarty washed and ironed and lived not a rich life. She never learned to drive and still walks everywhere she goes. When her mother and aunt died, they each left her some money, which she added to her savings. In 1947 her uncle died and left her a modest house in which she still lives.
            Until her donation, she was afraid to fly and had only been out of the South once in 50 years. Since then she's travelled all over the country and has been the subject of many interviews and articles. She's even visited the White House and been honoured by the president.
            Her donation of her life savings is for students who clearly demonstrate a financial need. "I want to help somebody's child go to college," said the quite spoken McCarty, who left school in sixth grade and has never married or had children. "I just want it to go to someone who will appreciate it and learn. I'm old. I'm not going to live always."
            Miss McCarty's generosity inspired many to give money to the university, and contributions came in from all over the country. Her gift has now been more than doubled.
            In a recent magazine interview McCarty was asked why she didn't spend the money earned over a lifetime on herself. "I am spending it on myself," she answered smilin

Task І. Point out if the statement is true (T) or false (F).
1)      Miss McCarty spent more than 65 years washing and ironing clothes.
2)      Miss McCarty was 75 years old.
3)      Her work was very hard.
4)      The people of two generations were her clients.
5)      Miss McCarty had much money.
6)      She goes to her clients by car.
7)      Once Miss McCarty visited the White House.
8)      She helped the students of the University with money.
9)      Many people didn't like her generosity.
10)  Recently she gave an interview to a local newspaper.
Task ІІ. Point out the right answer.
1.    How old was Miss McCarty?
a)      65
b)      55
c)      75
d)     85
2.    What was her job?
a)      she made laundry for other people
b)      she ironed the clothes of other people
c)      she fixed the other people's clothes
d)     she washed and ironed the other people's clothes
 3. Why were people surprised one day?
      a) they got to know that Miss McCarty was very rich
      b) they got to know about Miss McCarty's donation
      c) they got to know that Miss McCarty was going to travel
      d) they got to know that Miss McCarty was going to stop her work
 4. People of how many generations were the clients of Oscola?
        a) one
        b) two
        c) three
        d) four
 5. What did Miss McCarty do with her money?
        a) she saved them
        b) she travelled a lot
        c) she gave them to other people
        d) she  bought clothes
 6. What did her mother leave her?
        a) her house
        b) her work
        c) her money
        d) her clothes
 7. What house did she live in?
         a) the one her mother has left her
         b) the one she has bought on her savings
         c) the one her uncle has left her
         d) the one the University has given to her
    8. Why did Miss McCarty travel all over the country?
         a) she wanted to see a lot
         b) she gave interviews to newspapers and magazines
         c) she visited Universities
         d) she met with students
    9. How many years did Oscola study at school?
         a) she studied for 11 years
         b) she studied for 9 years
         c) she studied for 7 years
         d) she studied for 6 years
    10. What did Miss McCarty's generosity inspire many people to do?
         a) to accumulate money
         b) to contribute to universities
         c) to organize meetings with students
         d) to write letters to Oscola
Task III. What do you think about Miss McCarty action? How would you like to spend such money?

Тема уроку: Контроль навичок говоріння

Choose one of the topics to speak and speak about.
1.How much TV should children be allowed to watch each day?
a)      Is watching TV good for children?
b)      What types of programmes are good for children?
c)      What do children learn from watching TV?
d)     What problems do children have as a result of watching TV?

2. You have an opportunity to go anywhere in the world for one month. Where would you go?
a) You may choose more than one place to go to.
b) Why did you choose to go there?
c) Would you go for pleasure, to spend time with someone you know or to learn something?

3. Which person has had the greatest influence on your life?
a) Was this person in your family or outside your family?
b) Why was this person influential?
c) What did this person teach you?

4. What is the value of learning English?
a) Do you think English will be important in your future carrier?
b) Do you think it is important for other reasons?
c) Where would you use English?

5. An important person is visiting your vocational school and has only one hour to spend there.
a) What would you show this person at your vocational school?
b) What would you tell this person about your vocational school?

c) What would you like this person to remember about your vocational school? 

Тема уроку: Контроль навичок письма (Оберіть один з варіантів)


Тема уроку: Аналіз контрольних робіт. Підсумково-узагальнюючий урок

1. Повторення вивченого матеріалу

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